Catherine Writes Copy
If you are somehow reading this, it means you're *really* paying attention to my portfolio. If you're paying this much attention, it means you're seriously considering me for an internship. If you're seriously considering me, then what are you waiting for? Head on over to "Keep in Touch" and send me an email. Let's have a chat. If you're still reading this, I'm impressed—your attention span is a beautiful anomaly. Perhaps you should be rewarded. So I'll let you in on a little secret. Before you bounce down to my case studies, take a peek at the "Shhh..." page. It's just for fun. But I like fun, and I imagine you do, too, since you're still with me. If you want to save the "Shhh..." page for after you get through this paragraph, I don't blame you. I'd still be curious, too. So I'll give you another crumb. If we have a call, and you ask me about my previous experience, ask me about the one time I made a project based on the idea of a Jimmy John's sex shop. Yes. You read that right. A Jimmy John's sex shop. It's not in my portfolio, but now that you know it exists, don't you want to know more? Don't you want to know what I want to know about you? We've reached the final line. The ball's in your court now. I look forward to hearing from you.
The Cool Stuff
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